In order to make player users, who have no web hosting can conveniently use the web FLV player generated by PlayerDIY Web Player to play flash videos, streaming videos, live streaming videos or SMIL presentations on their blog, forum, or even websites, we are providing below free web FLV players, which can be used freely by embedding their embed code.
To make the following FLV players to play multiple flash videos, streaming videos, live streaming videos and SMIL presentations, you need to insert a line of code (the code syntax is so.addParam('flashvars','playerOpts=playListPath*^caption^path^image^clickurl^clicktarget^endurl^styleoftarget^endtarget......*s');) between “so.addParam('allowscriptaccess','always');” and “so.write("flashcontent");”. Check out the tutorial. However, if you want to play only one video, the code you need to insert is so.addParam('flashvars','playerOpts=playListPath*^caption^path^image*s);.
1. The “…” part means the front code can be duplicated
2. The values of caption (video name), image, clickurl, clicktarget, endurl, styleoftarget and endtarget can be “null” but can’t be “none”
3. No line break in the code.
There are only parts of free FLV players that our customers use mostly, if you are not satisfied these players, you may download PlayerDIY Web Player and customize one by yourself, or send us your requests via
Free FLV Player with "PlayerDIY" player skin for multiple flash videos
Embed Code:
Note: "caption" is the name of your video; "path" is your video link; "image" is the thumbnail of your video. More info...
Free FLV Player with "PlayerDIY" player skin for single flash video
Embed Code:
Note: "noWatchBtn*true*b" means this player has no playlist; "noPlayListBtn*true*b" means this player has no previous and next buttons on controlbar. Learn More...
Free FLV Player with "PlayerDIY" player skin for auto-playing single flash video
Embed Code:
Note: "pauseAtFirstFrame*false*b" means auto-play the video; "noWatchBtn*true*b" means this player has no playlist; "noPlayListBtn*true*b" means this player has no previous and next buttons on controlbar. Learn More...
Free FLV Streaming Player with "PlayerDIY" player skin for multiple streaming videos, SMIL presentations, live streamings
Embed Code:
Note: "caption" is the name of your video; "path" is your video link; "image" is the thumbnail of your video. If the video extension is .flv, please don’t include .flv in the URL. Learn More...
Free FLV Streaming Player with "PlayerDIY" player skin for single streaming video, SMIL presentation, live streaming
Embed Code:
Note: "caption" is the name of your video; "path" is your video link; "image" is the thumbnail of your video. If the video extension is .flv, please don’t include .flv in the URL. Learn More...